Software for use with your erg Performance Monitor | Concept2


Several software programs are available for use with Concept2 Performance Monitors. Be sure to review the system requirements for each software program to ensure that the software you are interested in is compatible with the Performance Monitor (PM) and equipment you have.

Concept2 Software

Logo for Concept2 ErgDataErgData: Free app for iOS and Android devices that can connect to a PM5 via Bluetooth. Use ErgData to setup your workouts, view additional statistics, save your results, and easily synchronize them with your Concept2 Online Logbook account.

Logo for the Concept2 Online Logbook (Opens in a New Window)Online Logbook: Record your workouts on the Concept2 RowErg, SkiErg and BikeErg. You can keep track of your total metres, analyze your progress, take part in challenges and compare your results against others worldwide.

Logo for the Concept2 UtilityConcept2 Utility: Free software for your desktop computer (OSX or Windows) that allows you to manage Performance Monitor firmware updates, upload workout data from a USB flash drive or LogCard, and sync your workout data with the Online Logbook.

Logo for Concept2 ErgRaceErgRace: NEW! ErgRace is the latest erg racing software from Concept2. With ErgRace, you can connect two or more ergs together to conduct races for individuals or teams, and display the races on large screens for the audience. ErgRace supports time, distance or Calorie-based races for both individuals and teams, and additional race formats such as Ergathlon.

Concept2 Software Development Kit: Available for people who want to develop software to talk to a Concept2 PM3, PM4, or PM5.

PM-Compatible Third Party/Other Apps

The Concept2 Performance Monitor connects with a variety of apps that others have developed that may add to your workout experience or tracking. The list of apps includes those that connect with our RowErgs, SkiErg and BikeErg. The list changes as new apps are developed, so please check back regularly.
View Compatible Apps >

Concept2 Deprecated Software

The following list includes software that Concept2 developed, but which we no longer actively update or support.

  • ErgBuddy: A predecessor of ErgData
  • ErgChatter: Windows-only desktop software that announced performance data during your workout. Was compatible with the PM3 and PM4.
  • e-Row: e-Row was an interactive training software compatible with Windows 2000 and Windows XP computers