Riding the BikeErg is like riding a regular bike—without the worry of balance, traffic or bad weather! Use the tips and resources in this section to make the most of your BikeErg.
Comfort and Fit
The handlebars offer three positions for your hands—use whatever position is most comfortable, effective and familiar. You can change position at any time. If you are a cyclist who likes to use clipless pedals, you can replace our standard pedals with your own. See Setting up the BikeErg for additional recommendations.
Build Up Gradually
When you first get on the BikeErg, resist the temptation to do too much too soon. Take some time to determine the settings for seat and handlebars that are most comfortable for you. Pedal easily at first, then try our First Workouts.
Managing Intensity
The BikeErg offers you two ways of managing the resistance you feel and the resulting intensity of your workout: the damper setting and your pedaling cadence. An increase in either one will raise the resistance that you feel, and if you increase both, the resistance will go up even more quickly. Read more in our Managing Intensity and Resistance section.
Track Your Progress

Train with a Partner
A workout partner can make a huge difference in sticking to a new routine. You can use the Training Partner feature of our online logbook to keep track of their progress, no matter where they live.