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Balancing Indoor and Outdoor Exercise

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Mar 08, 2021

As spring comes to the northern hemisphere, indoor exercise loses some of its appeal as we long for more time outdoors. Up here in northern Vermont, we know we still have a couple months before it’s really spring—but we feel the same transition coming. We’ll ski until the snow is gone, but we’ll also start running and riding our bikes on good days—and we’ll jump on the RowErg, SkiErg or BikeErg when the weather is just nasty. What’s the best way to balance indoor and outdoor exercise so that you can take advantage of the weather? Continue Reading ›

Getting Comfortable on the BikeErg

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Mar 04, 2021

If you’re new to cycling, your muscles and tendons may need to adjust to working out in the seated position. The Concept2 BikeErg includes a saddle that works for most athletes, but a single saddle design may not work for everyone. There are several things you can try to make cycling more comfortable if you’re experiencing discomfort, pain or numbness. Continue Reading ›

Tags: BikeErg

2021 World Rowing Indoor Championships Round-Up

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Mar 01, 2021

Val Coleman of Great Britain, the oldest athlete to set a record at the WRICH
Val Coleman

This year’s World Rowing Indoor Championships was definitely one for the books. As with so much in the past year, the Coronavirus pandemic meant a sudden change of plans and a lot of extra creativity, all of which resulted in the first ever virtual World Rowing Indoor Championships taking place February 23-27, 2021.
World Rowing and their partners put on a truly impressive event, incorporating a live race tracker, live video from many of the athletes plus commentators from the UK, Australia and the US, all of which helped to create a live event feel. In total, 763 athletes from 63 different countries raced over three days, all online from the comfort of their own home or gym (if racing 2000 metres can ever be described as comfortable!). Continue Reading ›

100 Years Old and Still Rowing Strong: Don McCluskey

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Feb 16, 2021

Happy Birthday to Don McCluskey, who turns 100 years old on February 17, 2021!

We’re always excited to share the stories of our centenarians who demonstrate that rowing can be a lifelong sport. Don credits his longevity to a diet of red wine, Brussel sprouts and carrots, along with his daily exercise on the Concept2 RowErg. Don lives in an assisted living facility, where he continues to work out daily during COVID-19.

“During the pandemic I’ve been rowing every single day for at least 20-30 minutes, and it’s kept me healthy and sane during the lockdown. It’s one of the best exercises you can do when you’re stuck indoors. I have it set up by a window, and I don’t listen to audio while I’m rowing. It’s such a pleasure to row that I just look out the window and get my best thinking done while rowing on my Concept2.” Continue Reading ›


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