5 Favorite SkiErg Workouts from CrossFitter Lucy Campbell
Workout 1: 50-40-30-20-10 Calorie (Cal) Ski
20 Alternating Dumbbell (DB) Snatch
10 Burpees
How the workout flows: Complete 50 Cal on the SkiErg, followed by 20 DB snatch and 10 burpees. Then you are back on the SkiErg for 40 Cal, then 20 DB snatch and 10 burpees, and so on, until you complete the last round of 10 Cal, 20 DB snatch, and 10 burpees.
How it will feel: Get ready. There’s lots of hinging here, so expect to feel the fatigue through the midline (core). Aim for the ski pace to stay the same throughout. Look for consistency, not a fast start and a fall off! Try to pick up the pace towards the end of the round of 20 Cals for a strong finish.
Workout 2: Death by Ski Calories (Cal) with 1 Minute Rest
1 minute work/1 minute rest starting with 10 Cals and incrementing by 1 Cal each minute until failure
How the workout flows: Start with 10 Cals to be completed within the first 1-minute work window. Rest 1 minute. In the next work window, complete 11 Cals. Rest 1 minute. And so on. Carry on adding one Cal per minute until you cannot complete the Calories within the work window.
How it will feel: Don’t be fooled here. The first rounds will lure you into a false sense of security, and you will start the next minute feeling pretty fresh. Then things will pick up pretty quickly! The beauty of this workout is that the rest minute allows you to push the work windows even harder, so you will get further than if you were to do a traditional death by EMOM workout. If you want to make the workout longer/shorter, scale the start Calories up/down appropriately.
Workout 3: 1 Minute All Out, 3 Minutes Rest x 6
How the workout flows: Set the SkiErg intervals to 1 minute work, 3 minutes rest. Once you start the first minute, the SkiErg will time the rest for you.
How it will feel: If you do it right, this will really suck. The bigger the work:rest ratio, the more intense the work needs to be. The rest period is enough for you to feel somewhat rested going into each work minute in the first few rounds. However, this won’t feel like enough time by the time you get to the second half of the workout. Make sure the work minute really is intense, otherwise this whole workout will feel pretty steady.
Workout 4: For Time: 21-15-9
Calorie (Cal) Ski
Deadlift* @ 110 kg (225 lb) Men / 85 kg (185 lb) Women
*Scale weight appropriately.
How the workout flows: Complete 21 Cal ski, 21 deadlifts, 15 Cal ski, 15 deadlifts, 9 Cal ski and 9 deadlifts in the fastest time possible.
How it will feel: This one is going to be deceptively bad on the hamstrings. It won’t be a long workout but the deadlift weight should be heavy enough that you need to split up the reps into smaller sets. Aim to build the pace throughout, or at least stay consistent through the round of 21 down to 9. If you push first round of the ski too hard, that deadlift bar will feel 100x heavier!
Workout 5: AMRAP15
5-10-15-20…+5 ski Calories (Cal)
200m Run Between
Rest 5 minutes and repeat, starting where you finished and working your way back down to 5 Cals. This part is for time.
How the workout flows: Complete 5 Cals on the SkiErg, into a 200m run. Complete 10 Cals into a 200m run. Carry on in this fashion increasing the ski Cals until the 15-minute window is up. Then rest for 5 minutes. Start the next part of the workout where you finished the last one and work your way back down the Calories and run until you finish with five Calories on the SkiErg.
How it will feel: This workout is all about pacing and that’s the beauty of it. The whole thing should be completed at 70-80% effort and the aim is to be able to get as close as possible to 15 minutes getting back down the pyramid. That shows that you have your pacing spot on!
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