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Finish the Holiday Challenge Strong

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Dec 03, 2021

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We’re into the second week of the Holiday Challenge and the metres and donations are adding up! If you haven't already signed up, make sure you do so from your Logbook by choosing a charity option. This is your opportunity to help raise money for a good cause just by working out. We've gathered some ideas and technologies to help you reach your goals. Continue Reading ›

45 Years Young

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Nov 03, 2021
The old Concept2 farm complex
It was a chilly gray day in November 1976 when the Dreissigacker caravan of Dick. Peter, Peter's future wife Bari, and all their belongings, pulled into the old Vermont farm that would become the home of Concept2. They had spent the last year designing a faster oar for their own use, and thought maybe it had a future. Or if it didn’t, they would design something else. So they formed a partnership and Concept2 was born. Continue Reading ›

Pete Reed: An injury, a SkiErg and the Pursuit of Progress

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Aug 31, 2021

In September 2019, Pete Reed had just retired from full-time rowing to return to the Royal Navy. One of Great Britain’s most decorated Olympians, he won gold in three consecutive Olympics and was famous in testing for having the world’s largest recorded lung capacity.

During naval training, Reed started to feel ill and went to the hospital where he suffered a stroke in the middle of his spine. The condition is extremely rare and doctors are unsure what caused it. It left Reed paralyzed from the chest down. The Olympian was determined to make the best possible recovery.

The first step was to enter rehab, where Reed started to gain back his strength. One of the tools in his pocket?: the SkiErg. “Getting settled into rehab, I knew that I wanted to try the SkiErg,” Reed says. “There were a few reasons. I knew the movement pattern, I knew that I could do it. It's important to me that it's very accessible, so it's easy to just roll up to it, in my wheelchair and then just grab the handles and off I go.” It is hard to take the athlete out of someone like Reed, and accordingly, he made himself a plan. He started in small increments.

Pete Reed (right) training on the SkiErg
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Tags: Adaptive, SkiErg


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